Registration and Electoral Office
Registration and Electoral Office
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Geographical Constituency Electors

Upload Supplementary Information and Replies

  1. Please fill in all the required information
  2. Click "Select File" to upload file
  3. Enter the characters as shown in the image
  4. Click "Submit" to submit application

More Details
(if any)
(Note 1: The contact phone number / email will be used by the Registration and Electoral Office to make enquiry on this application only. If you are a registered elector, the phone number / email in your electoral particulars will not be updated.

Note 2: You may choose “select file” to upload the documents required by the Electoral Registration Officer one by one and you may upload and submit more than one file in total. For example, you may upload a completed and signed reply slip and your proof of principal residential address issued within the last three months by “select file” and submit the two documents in one submission.)
Validation Characters:
Validation Characters
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If you have any problem on form submission, please call 2891 1001 to contact REO.
If you have any problem on form submission, please call 2891 1001 to contact REO, and quote the submission number for reference.

Personal Information Collection Statement


(a) Purpose of Collection

The personal data and other related information and address proof (if applicable) provided by you here will be used by the Registration and Electoral Office for voter registration and election-related purposes. The provision of personal data and other related information here is voluntary. However, if you do not provide adequate and accurate data we may not be able to process your application. If the Electoral Registration Officer has approved your application by accepting the supplementary information provided, your name and residential address will be compiled in a register and made available for public inspection.
If necessary, the Electoral Registration Officer may require a public authority (including but not limited to the Immigration Department, Home Affairs Department, Housing Department and Hong Kong Housing Society etc) to furnish your personal data for data matching when preparing a register.
Any person who uses the personal data provided in this form without the express consent of the data subject for any purpose other than the purposes stated above may contravene the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).

(b) Transfer of Information

Where necessary, the information provided by you may also be provided to other authorised departments/organisations/persons for the purposes of voter registration and election under relevant Ordinances and/or subsidiary legislations and all purposes related thereto.

(c) Access to Personal Data and Enquiry

You have a right to request access to, and to request the correction of, the personal data and other related information you supplied in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). Such requests and enquiries should be made in writing to the Electoral Registration Officer at 8th Floor, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.

Accessibility Statement

We are committed to ensuring that our website conforms to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA requirements to the maximum extent possible.
However, this website contains some archive materials that are not frequently used and not all level accessibility features have been incorporated into such materials. Please email us at [] if you need those archive materials. We will try our best to provide the information in a format accessible to you.